And Ma-Ti (the “Heart” kid) would be worth more than Captain Planet, even though his powers amount to little more than making raccoons smile and crap like that.
And Ma-Ti (the “Heart” kid) would be worth more than Captain Planet, even though his powers amount to little more than making raccoons smile and crap like that.
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Heart was always the lamest one.
It’s not just the lamest; it’s the lamest by several orders of magnitude. I mean, you’ve got:
Earth: I can cause earthquakes and stuff. Demigod.
Wind: I can control the movement of the atmosphere. I can create tornadoes. Demigod.
Fire: Jesus, I control fire. Come on. Demigod.
Water: The Greeks had this guy Poseidon. He was a pretty high-ranking dude. The Romans borrowed him and called him Neptune. They named a friggin’ planet after the guy. I can do what he did. Upper-crust Demigod.
Heart: Animals like me! Guy with food.
The worst thing about heart is he never used it right. He could’ve made chicks like him! He could’ve fixed the ridiculous over the top EEEVIL POLLUTING GUYS by making them nice, but no.. he’d .. well I don’t remember what he did, but it certainly wouldn’t kill a condor.
He would probably use the heart ring to make condors and onions get along. Which makes him one of the worst bad guys in the mountaintimeverse.
What a disgusting idea.