If you’re tired of typing “mountaincomics.com,” I’ve got some good news for you: porpoiseburps.com is now a perfectly viable Mountain Time URL! The bad news is that it still doesn’t offer any quality recordings of porpoise burps.
If you’re tired of typing “mountaincomics.com,” I’ve got some good news for you: porpoiseburps.com is now a perfectly viable Mountain Time URL! The bad news is that it still doesn’t offer any quality recordings of porpoise burps.
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This gives me a great idea for a handheld portal device constructed from a porpoise launcher and a margarita. Or is it the sunflower that created the portal? Or was it just a completely random occurence? Or was the front half of the porpoise that came out of the margarita a completely different front half of a porpoise? Gah! Too many possibilities. Either way, I can’t remember my species.
I can’t believe that actually works as a link.
thoroughly amazing, one of my favorite mountain times of all mountain time time.
However I don’t approve of porpoises smoking :C they’ll get bottlenose cancer.. these men are a bad influence on this poor porpoise’s puss.
Honestly, I thought Porpoise Burps was some sort of fetish site.
I hate learning. If I had a porpoise launcher then I wouldn’t need to learn any more, but I’d have to learn how to get a porpoise launcher in order to get one. Dilemma!
Ix: Plus, if you were to buy a porpoise launcher you’d have to learn how to operate it.
Ferret: This is why most authors won’t even go near the topic of porpoises and portals. It just leaves too many tough questions. (Nice avatar, btw.)
minorsteps: Just doing my part.
Cold: Thanks! At least the porpoise will have an easy enough time finding a prosthetic bottlenose. I buy them six at a time.
Joe: You honestly don’t think this is a fetish site?
Ix & Albino: Not to mention you’d have to learn how to catch porpoises to launch, which I imagine is kinda tricky (unless you have a tuna net).
I would think porpoise-retrieval would be as simple as ordering a whole lot of margaritas until you found the original porpoise, and then pulling him the rest of the way through.
The last panel is worrying on an economic level alone, as I can hardly imagine that the burps of longtime-smoker porpoises are as sweet as those without the risk of lung cancer.