Suggested wine pairing: zinfandel.
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Suggested wine pairing: zinfandel.
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Support the arts by buying me a beer using Patreon as an intermediary,
and you’ll get to take part in a group-comic experiment!!!!!!!!1
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When sheet music appears in the background, does that mean music is playing, sheet music appears, or the G-Cis itself is creeping through the walls of the world, tainting the dreams of every mind it touches?
You have heard it – the tritone, the Devil in Music. You have heard it, and now, you are forever damaged. None are without its black touch. We all belong to G-Cis, and our broken souls will all go to G-Cis after we die.
Good of him to pour that water from a distance, wouldn’t want to get maniacally homicided.
Am I the only one who ever found it weird how he was called The Man in the Yellow Hat when the rest of his outfit is also yellow? He should just be The Man in Yellow. C’mon now. I realize there are much bigger problems in Curious George, but..
Night fell and the hours dragged on, but still we murmured to each other of the Banana and the Yellow Hat, and midnight sounded from the misty spires in the fog-wrapped city. We spoke of Hastur and of George, while outside the fog rolled against the blank window-panes as the cloud waves roll and break on the shores of New York, I Think.
Snek: I don’t know what you have against the Georgia Career Information Center, but I feel like a chase scene needs some exciting music. In this case, it’s just the vocal melody, because including the rhythm would be TOO exciting.
Cold: I’ve always thought it was weird! If you’re going to single out a single article of clothing to name him for, it’s gotta be the pants. Only football players and monkey weirdos wear yellow pants.
What I’m wondering is: If I just pour a few grains of that “instant Hom-Man” and pour water on it, will I get a miniature homicidal maniac? Or could I pour several tiny piles inside of a gladiatorial arena and splash some water on them all at once to provide entertainment for the masses?
I asked the same question when I was drawing it! Originally it was going to be a small pile producing a giant killer (because haha), but then I decided a dial-a-yield instant maniac was more haha.
Here we see a fairly large pile, which gives you a roughly Richard Brooker-sized killer, whereas using the whole box might give you a Kane Hodder.
Several tiny piles is going to give you a bunch of Chuckys or something. And if you don’t spread the piles out enough, and they get fused with the same water, you’re going to have a freak show of tiny murderers connected by the stray strands of flesh they have instead of feet. So do that.