Interested in an appetizer? Try the hushed puppies. They’re live baby dogs whose vocal cords have been surgically



Chris here. The guy who was in charge of the appetizer recommendations has been sacked. I’ll be hiring a replacement posthaste.

In the meantime, what’s the deal with December, huh? The name means “tenth month,” but it’s really the twelfth month? Somebody miscounted.

Whoever came up with this is probably the same person who thought up mittens. Four fingers and a thumb? Get outta here! A thumb and a short flipper—that’s what we need to keep warm!

It seems to me that most mittens are worn by women and children. So why is it that the UNIVERSAL lifeboat policy is “women and children first”? I mean, come on. They’re wearing the hand flippers! They have a distinct swimming advantage!

If I’m on a sinking ship, I’m not just giving my spot on a lifeboat to any penguin or seal that comes along. I wear gloves, dammit! I’m not meant for the sea!

(Bubada-bup  ba-dup)