Interested in an appetizer? Try a carnitas empanada!
Welcome back to normal Mountain Time!
I’ll get back to a regular Monday-Thursday schedule as soon as I can.
Interested in an appetizer? Try a carnitas empanada!
Welcome back to normal Mountain Time!
I’ll get back to a regular Monday-Thursday schedule as soon as I can.
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Is there supposed to be no mouseover text or did you just forget?
Clearly the pickup lines are supposed to be used *on* giant gay beetles, instead of *by* giant gay beetles, or else the recipient turns Amish.
Oh, also, welcome back normal Mountain Time! Celebration!
Aaa I get it, because tissue is what you need when you sneeze. And the lower half is the known favorite of all rats. Ahh, back to Mountain Standard Time. That was one long Daylight Savings Except Instead of Daylight it’s The World.
Circle: I don’t recall forgetting anything in my life! But yeah, that’s pretty much the only recruiting tool the Amish have.
Cold: I hadn’t even thought of the “tissue” connection. I’d just sneezed so hard it made my lower back spasm, because Crusader Kings isn’t the only middle-aged part of my life.
Oh yeah mine does that too. Our vertebrae apparently start to fuse as we age.
I once (twice, actually) sneezed so hard that I thought I completely wrenched my back. Like, immediately collapsed in agony. Both times, after a few days passed and the pain was more isolated, it became clear I’d “just” cracked a rib or something.
Getting Old: Not Even Once™
Geez Louise. So had you cracked the rib prior and the sneeze made you realize it, or did you do a Superman sneeze in a Jimmy Olsen body?
I’m honestly not entirely sure! The former is probably more feasible, but then I don’t remember having done anything that would’ve resulted in a cracked rib (which doesn’t say much, I’ll forget why my hand hurts a half hour after getting it smashed in a door or something); I prefer to think I just had to expel 38 supernatural horror franchises worth of spirits into a fine mist all in one spinal-re-un-aligning explosion of the face. But that might be moderately hyperbolic.
We definitely have the strength to break our own bones, and that’s REAL bones. Ribs are the bone equivalent of slap bracelets. Well, for most people. Mine have ossified, so presumably much more break resistant, at the cost of being able to breathe by flexing the ribcage.
mandelbrot: I think in the case of that many evil spirits, you’re supposed to use leeches (or just bleeding). Then again, I took biology a few centuries ago.
Cold: Look at Mr. HardRibs here, flaunting his powerful ribcage in a way that sounds like (the opposite of?) emphysema. Some of us have been smoking our whole lives to get there, but not Mr. HardRibs.
(I don’t know if anything I just said was right, because I took biology a few centuries ago.)
Nah Emphysema is like smoothbrain but for your lungs.