Pregnant Seesaw
on November 23, 2020
at 12:00 am
Suggested wine pairing: cranberry brandy and club soda.
Take care not to confuse a deadly blocktopus with a harmless squinder block, but when in doubt, exterminate.
Suggested wine pairing: cranberry brandy and club soda.
Take care not to confuse a deadly blocktopus with a harmless squinder block, but when in doubt, exterminate.
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AHEM. Blocktopodes.
I wonder what rabies mouth foam tastes like. You can’t ask anyone, because they’re dead.
They say humans taste like pork, so human foam probably tastes like pork foam.
I can’t read “building a building” without hearing it in AoStH Robotnik’s voice, followed quickly by “Err uh, wrong building!”
I was never a Sonic guy (I grew up in a Nintendo household), but I know he acted fast. He was just about as fast-acting as the rabies a blocktopus can give you.
Once complete shouldn’t it be called a “Built”?
But I suppose “Building a built” isn’t any better.
And since they haven’t finished it, it would not yet be a Built and still be a Building anyway.
“Heyyy, we’re erecting a construction here.”
Rapid rabid rabbit retched a wretched wrench, so there.
“Heyyy, we’re putting up an edifice here!”
A rabid rabbit Rabi rapidly wreaks revenge on a roc rocking raucaus robotic rockets.
Echolalia is when someone else repeats, when the same person does it it’s called palilalia.
WOOO! I love to learn!
Count the construction worker as my former self.