I didn’t post this on Thursday because Saturday was Mountain Time’s fourth birthday, and I thought it’d be neat to put it up then. But then I remembered that things get really weird when Mountain Time updates on weekends, so I just held off till today.
I also wanted to put up some bonus material in celebration, but the fourth completed year of internet presence is kind of a crappy milestone. I mean, finishing your first year is kind of like, “Hey, look, I did what I said I’d do.” It’s the same feeling of accomplishment I get whenever I actually remember to take out the trash.
Finishing the second year feels better, like cleaning the entire kitchen. Finishing the third year is the best of all — it’s like cleaning the entire kitchen, and MAINTAINING that cleanliness for a couple of days, despite cooking several meals. But when you complete your fourth year, it’s kinda like, “Hey, look, I’ve, uh… been doing this for a while. Maybe I’m becoming a clean freak, like nobody’s favorite member of the Tanner household.”
I’m lucky I guess. i stopped my first comic at 999 so it never got to 4 years, and the 4-year-versary of the second one passed by unnoticed because the franchise as a whole hit its 10-year-versary.. and also because I have no readers.
Probably because it doesn’t have enough neck monsters
People DO love neck monsters. But damn, you’ve hit ten years? That’s Internet Institution status regardless of how many readers you have.
Well.. took a break in the middle.
but I’m pretty sure I saw a 3d starburst message in the sky saying *MAKE IMPRESSIVE CLAIMS*