I did SO MUCH RESEARCH about the history of margarine and its legal difficulties, but I ended up not using any of it in the comic. An analogy for a university education?
It just occurred to me that the cheapest place to advertise my website is on my website! So dudes, you should definitely consider checking out Mountain Time. Ladies should check it out too!
This is one of those fantastic comics that no matter how many times I read it…
…I always get the urge to slather margarine on my feet.
When it comes to margarine, I’ve always been interested in the precedent set by Butter v. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter.
I think I have a new fetish.. and yes, the toothpaste-foam is involved.
I remember this movie where this lady was killing everybody because she hated butter and loved margarine, or vice versa, or something.. but yeah, how cool would it be to have a hatch? Just.. not on your cheek.. though I guess you could brush your molars more easily.
That sounds like a must-see movie.
I just saw a project wonderful ad for Mountain Time on smbc. It weirded me out because I never see things I /already/ like advertised.
Anon: I hope that my new tactic of advertising Mountain Time on Mountain Time will help accustom you to the weirdness.
Man, mountain time is really going downhill with all the advertisement on it now.
Mountain Time doesn’t need advertising.
The fact that I found it without having it shoved in my face on some website proves that. If you knew me you’d agree. I love the shirt ad though. “I couldn’t come up with a good advertisement. But here’s an advertisement anyway.” XD.
Do you have a university education?
I hope you were just sitting around, typing in various geological formations in the address bar and following them with comics.com. tectonicplatecomics.com, endmorainecomics.com, etc.
And yes, I do.