You have to imagine that, in panel 6, Adios Taco is getting ready to roll that recycling bin like a bowling ball, and when he does, it glides across the floor and comes to a graceful stop two inches from the trash bin. Then he spins around and fires a bullet that goes straight through the O in the word “AMBITION” on a motivational poster before going through the wall and pegging — in midair — a bee that had wandered into the cubicle of someone who was deathly allergic to bees.
Adios Taco is my hero
Isto – Do you actually know Spanish and French or do you use a translator?
That duck in the last panel is super creepy. All it needs is one of those little twirly moustaches that all silent movie villains have.
Kristen handles all the French. I know a little Spanish, and I supplement it with translators.
do ducks bruise? i don’t plan to try, but it came up in conversation a few days agao, and this to be the best place to ask.
I’d say yes. A bruise is ruptured capillaries and, having complex circulatory systems, ducks have capillaries (I assume). Ergo, ducks can bruise.
Adios Taco! Our hero. :)
is the duck watching paul?
I love Splash! Fruit Juice Cocktail. I now love it even more knowing that Adios Taco drinks it, too.
I remember when Adios Taco wasn’t such a sellout.
kiev: Kinda creepy how you can’t be sure, isn’t it?
Protractor: It’s light and refreshing! Also, where’s the Notorious Hamster been?
Joe: You have a very powerful memory!
Isto, I had a small issue with my computer where it gave me an error everytime i tried to get on, and wouldn’t display an comics. however, i reset my history, and it let me right in. So, I’m back! great comic, love the adios taco.
Wow, that worked pretty fast! Ok, now where has Kelly Kapowski been?
Right here.
Just kidding, this is the Golden Protractor.
Protip: Change your avatar.
Yeah, did not realize about the avatar until it was already posted. I was just going to roll with it, but you had to point it out. Jerk. (Please note that the jerk is laced with sarcasm, and I don’t think you’re a jerk.)
Oh, if you happen to need any extra French translating, I’m up for the job (or if you would like a very rusty Spanish/Russian/Vietnamese/Latin)
Oh, and I do English too.
i do pig latin
lol (really)
That’s some list, Melodie. Are you a spy?
Why yes, yes I am.
Me likes the Adios Taco!!!
Well he’s an aromatic meat-filled tortilla of action!
(Dooby dooby doo-bah, dooby dooby doo-bah)
He gunned down the the vile gardening demon of Thraax!
(Dooby dooby doo-bah, dooby dooby doo-bah)
He organised his office’s recycling program!
(Dooby dooby doo-bah, dooby dooby doo-bah)
He starts every day with a refreshing glass of SPLASH!
He’s Adios! Adios Ta-aco!
(My apologies to the writers of Phineas and Ferb.)
Hi Gary.