Suggested bloody pairing: Bloody Mary.
I think that’s about enough of that. I’m actually further from a name decision than I was when this started, so if you’d like to voice your opinion, here’s what we’ve racked up:
Canonical Ideas:
Type O’s
Paratextual Ideas:
Squids (The obvious answer, which DOES NOT necessarily make it bad, you iconoclasts!)
Serial Killers (I get it, but I think it only leads to a crappy comic in which a character talks about how counter intuitive it is, and then the joke is done.)
Dahmers (Sucks.)
Free-For-Alls (???)
Cranblasters (???)
Blocktopi (Meh.)
Internal Server Errors (C’mon.)
Squids, Chairs, and Blinkys are the best of what you have
Oxford Commas
New Lancaster Football Team
The Fighting 4s
Whatever product is sponsoring them this week
Braveyards (really only relevant when they play the Braves)
You could also come up with the fight song first and go with a name that fits into that.
I was going to argue for some shortening of Internal Server Errors, like “Server Errors” or just “Errors”, but the above listed idea of them being named after whatever is sponsoring them this week has convinced me.
The New Lancaster New LAN Casters. their logo is a wizard hat with the ethernet symbol
If I can find a woman that likes bearded guys that make stupid puns, I’m in heaven.
Also I want blood orange soda now. I can’t live until that happens.
anyway I think Concepts is best. it’s instantly and perpetually funny
wait I’m sorry, I Me Wed is an actual title? We can put that up on the long list of things I thought were jokes.
The team had better take up a wine habit if they’re going with Winos. They wouldn’t want to be known as a bunch of WINOs.
Naht: Squids and Blinkys are on my shortlist. New Lancaster Football Team is hilarious, and I could see this town rooting for the 4s.
Circle: I kinda like the Errors. Imaginine how awkward it would be to shout “GO ERRORS!” Almost as good as “GO GHOSTS!”
Ahno Nimus: Is the wizard depicted with a diploma to show she’s new to the art of LAN casting?
Cold: I’m lucky my wife isn’t one for beards. Concepts is also on my shortlist, you can definitely find blood orange soda if you try, and yes, Lifetime actually made a movie about a woman who marries herself.
I like the idea of the Fighting 4s, but only if Reverb Unit 4 is revealed / insinuated to be the puppetmaster behind the scenes fixing games. Not necessarily in the 4’s favor, just deciding scores based on what sounds aesthetically pleasing that day
Other than that, 1950’s and Type O’s tickle the correct parts of my brain. Obviously Free-For-Alls sticks out since that was my idea, but as I admitted when I suggested it, that was me desperately grasping at straws
1950s is my probably my front runner, so thanks for the vindication!
1950s does have the possibility of having other time periods as their minor league affiliates.
Watch the New Lancaster 1950s at historic Polio Stadium! Try a foot-long Party Line hotdog and drink an Unhomogenized Milk beer served in a bottle by a guy in a white hat that MIGHT be doing something with your wife!
This arc has gone further beyond Fricassee than I could have ever anticipated! Excluding naming the team every single option at once, I think my first option is also the 1950s
Naht: Do you think the lower the league, the more recent the decade, or the older? Like, is the primary farm team the 1960s or the 1940s?
Cold: The regressive ways of yesteryear kinda just make the name MORE New Lancasterish, y’know? Especially for a women’s team. Great policies for women in the ’50s.
Whee: Yeah, Fricassee is a distant memory now, like slingback pumps, which the Google AI results tell me were a 2023 fad. Something we can all recall if we try (I totally know what slingback pumps are, and that they were big in ’23), but that’s not what things are about now, ya know?
I always get mixed up over which team is at which level. All I remember is that the 3C BCs win their league every year under Alexander the Great, and the Depressin’ 30s mascots keep getting arrested for robbing banks.
Merry Christmas
Naht: Despite their mascots, I think the Depressin’ ’30s are gonna go on to great things.
(I’m NOT a Nazi, for the record.)
Xin: Back atcha!
You know, if you really can’t decide, there’s a certain Mountain Time charm to just never revealing what the team decided to change their name to.