
With a preamble longer than the race itself.

With a preamble longer than the race itself.

With a preamble longer than the race itself.

With a preamble longer than the race itself.

With a preamble longer than the race itself.

Featuring the most upsetting drawing I've ever made.

I think by now the Kentucky Derby is more a Mountain Time thing than a racing thing, but maybe that's just my perspective.

It takes longer to read this review than to watch the race itself, so why do THEY get all the money?

In which the author begins to wonder if, just maybe, the people who name these horses aren't even reading this.

Who knows how many of these I've done? What, are we supposed to COUNT?

Stupid, cheesy... your pick.

Stupid, cheesy... your pick.








This year's derby banner was inspired by the idea that the Kentucky Derby combined with roller derby would be OFF THE HOOK. Anyone trying to call it would get a busy signal! Haha! Remember landlines?



Magically cheesy!

It's about time somebody wrote about video games on the internet!

A cheesy banner for cheesy books.

This is not a review of the 1972 film Night of the Lepus. Sorry.

Cheesy to the max

The Ponies of 2010!