Maybe it’s a Google Translate issue, but in panel 5, is Callipygia (the plumber’s ass/misapprehension) calling to seek out the thieves of other thieves?
Oooh some Listening to 11.975 MHz feels. Time to break out my decent French transla- I’m using DeepL. or is it DeepI. I never know. I just type ‘deep’ and it finishes it for me.
Everybody always asks “Why is the cow Communism?” but nobody ever asks “When is the cow Communism?”
Insert joke about the taxpayers barely treading water hiyoooo
before anybody asks “Why is the cow Communism?”
Maybe it’s a Google Translate issue, but in panel 5, is Callipygia (the plumber’s ass/misapprehension) calling to seek out the thieves of other thieves?
J’ai vu le monde, et il n’est pas beau. Indeed.
Oooh some Listening to 11.975 MHz feels. Time to break out my decent French transla- I’m using DeepL. or is it DeepI. I never know. I just type ‘deep’ and it finishes it for me.
Everybody always asks “Why is the cow Communism?” but nobody ever asks “When is the cow Communism?”
Insert joke about the taxpayers barely treading water hiyoooo
For reference, the callipygia is quoting a man named Marius Jacob