More thoroughly, “Is my furniture-sister quoting Edmund Spencer and, by eschewing quotation marks, passing it off as an original line?”
Stuff to read:
More thoroughly, “Is my furniture-sister quoting Edmund Spencer and, by eschewing quotation marks, passing it off as an original line?”
Stuff to read:
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This only proves my theory that all janitors are world weary men. Wise beyond their years.
It also proves my theory that all Janitors spend more time talking to themselves than to anyone at all ever.
Despite the bite, Baby Oranges is an awesome puppy. How many pups know how to use a swing?
Used to be all dogs played on swings, until they found out it led to biting.
Rereading this just now I noticed for the first time how the undulations of the thought-bubble border in the second panel run on into the waves on the horizon at Lake Cyclopentasiloxane. Nice.