If you haven’t already, go ahead and say “Pelican Cello” out loud a few times. Such euphony! You’ll feel like a sexy Italian person seducing someone by identifying a bird and an instrument. Turns out that’s a really addictive feeling.
If you haven’t already, go ahead and say “Pelican Cello” out loud a few times. Such euphony! You’ll feel like a sexy Italian person seducing someone by identifying a bird and an instrument. Turns out that’s a really addictive feeling.
©2008-2025 Chris Combs Powered by WordPress with ComicPress
Pelican Cello… I think it’s the new Cellar Door.
oh no, i can’t stop now…pelican cello pelican cello pelican cello pelican cello…am i a salt shaker?
Shouldn’t you be in China to ecounter the Great Wall Police?
Didn’t that sheep sell number sandwiches for a while? Looks like he has changed to wallpaper. Pelican cello! Also I cannot get a translation of “Modus ponens.” Which is annoying.
really? did you wikipedia it?
Modus ponens is actually a term in formal logic describing the, um, equation:
If p then q
therefore q
Pelly, conch, hello!
P.S. The Pelly River is a river in Canada, and is a headstream of the Yukon River.
random pepper is awesome
The Great Wall of China is awesome. You know it’s so big you can see it from anywhere in the world.
Verb: Now get Drew Barrymore to endorse it.
Dav: A sentient salt shaker? That’s just silly.
Joe: I guess that depends on whether you have to be in India to run into the Karma Police.
Protractor: Seems like he’ll sell whatever he can fit in the wagon.
Melodie: Yukon Ho!
Kiev: Sounds like the motto of an, er, interesting cook.
Ixcaliber: I know! You can even see it through walls and stuff.
You can see it through walls… but it IS a wall. So you can see it through itself.
Very strong eyesight? Very strong hands? Very strong ability to listen to dubstep for long periods of time? We may never know Pelican Cello’s sixth power.