I Was Too Faithful to the Idea of “Kill Kill Kill”
Suggested wine pairing: raspberry margarita.
Thursday’s comic, while mostly done, is not entirely done, because it’s important to me to get the ending right for you. Check back tomorrow!
It looks good on a pillow, yes, but I think you’d see better sales from coffee mugs.
I would have suggested a bumper sticker for clown cars.
Incidentally, while researching the role of this comic in the Mountain Time Catabatic Universe, I discovered that all the links in OhNoRobot are broken.
Nicely drawn bat wings! Who says stick figure comics etc?
Personally my particular acrophobia derives from the relative height of my center of gravity vs the nearest railing. I appreciate the uptightness about imprecise commonly-used speech. I don’t have a fear of all uptights, though I do usually have a fear of brights.
in Norway, most rooves are slanted because of snow. even the top often has a curved stone. this is relevant to this comic in two ways:
given that the top is curved, the roof does not have any horizontal width, only length. does it then have width at all, and do lengths trigger yin hair guy’s phobia?
if it does have a width, you can only see half of it at once unless you’re at the middle. does this still trigger the phobia?
additionally, if it’s Norway, the owner could probably remove his legs for the duration of the party using vicissitude. would the phobia still be triggered?
Nah: You think a bat knows what a coffee mug is?
Beaver: I signed up for clown college, thinking they’d give me a clown car on the first day, but all I got was a silly bus.
OhNoRobot has been down (on their end) for years now. I’d take the search bar off, but it’s still (very slightly) useful, and who has the time, anyway?
Cold: It’s just, like, what if claustrophobics, who fear small spaces, just said they feared *spaces*? That’s every single place in the universe!
Bern: I don’t know how many dimensions there are in Norway, but if there’re at least 3, the roofs have widths. And regardless of how much of it you can see, you can still envision the horror of traversing a width. Phobias don’t care about things like “Norway” or “having legs,” after all.
“Even the narrowest roof has a width.”
-Bothways Sidepart
Oh snap, I just noticed the fast-growing trees! (Or the slow-going conversation? Or maybe very long and edited for redundancy/irrelevance?) My lackluster powers of attention make your comic so much more fun! It’s kind of like a magic trick, except better, because with magic tricks I don’t pay enough attention to be surprised by what the magician does at the end.