Awww it’s a li’l scruffly dog. He even has a sensible dog name since he probably goes ZARARARAR all the time. I love him.
possibly even more darling than the idea of a tiny rat-sized microwave. That’s the second cutest thing in this comic. And third cutest is Winona Ratter. That’s not a hairstyle rats normally wear!!
Awww it’s a li’l scruffly dog. He even has a sensible dog name since he probably goes ZARARARAR all the time. I love him.
possibly even more darling than the idea of a tiny rat-sized microwave. That’s the second cutest thing in this comic. And third cutest is Winona Ratter. That’s not a hairstyle rats normally wear!!
Imagine the tiny rat-sized Totino’s pizzas Winona gorges on. A whole pizza the size of a pepperoni.
The rat reminds me of one of the wizards from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. I’m not sure why.
Wait, Winona just eats prepackaged pizza bagels!
Made with cheerios.