Suggested wine pairing: not gasoline, guys. I mean, according to this index, it’s cheaper than wine, but someone might think you’re a car and put an aftermarket stereo in you.
Suggested wine pairing: not gasoline, guys. I mean, according to this index, it’s cheaper than wine, but someone might think you’re a car and put an aftermarket stereo in you.
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Gasoline goes down smooth and clean
actually it'[s weird thinking about how gas is so expensive, except by the standards of almost any other liquid. Everyone talks about corn replacing it, last time I checked a gallon of corn costs more than tree fitty.. but maybe I haven’t made out with enough molehills. What’s that guy gonna do? He’s all cups and plates, no bowls.
We oughtta be rich: human blood is valued at $1,514.79 per gallon. But in that economy, we’ll all be serfs to the scorpions; a gallon of their venom is worth $38,858,507.46.
Sharpening Stamps and Licking Knives
The ‘A’ plot is becoming the ‘B’ plot, and now I feel that wine pairing jokes overtake the hover text and leap-frog whatever the ‘A’ plot is onto the top of the metaphorical can of alphabet plot soup. Although in all seriousness that final panel was an excellent subversion which was merely augmented by Hover/Wine industries.
Sharpening Licks and Stamping Knives.
I didn’t think of it as a subversion, as it was Dave tricking someone into killing themselves, but there you go.
Should I just write wine pairing suggestions now?
Knifing stamps and licking sharps.
But without a medium to pair wines with, wine pairing is irrelevant. So I guess you have my permission to continue “the norm”.