Is the cloud-hair guy still called Lou? I think he was called Lou. I recognise the other guys, but not their names.
I spent ages trying to read the cover of the magazine being coffin-held, and then I looked up and saw that he said it. Unless he was lying about the title.
Glad to see someone else is with me about those consarned homeowner’s associations.
more like HOMO-ner associations, amirite? They’re always nerring the same things as themselves.
I think that last panel can represent me in quite a few occasions:
1) Reading the latter half of a PKD book.
2) Thinking about reality and junk
3) Going through enough physical and mental pain so there’s an explosion of faux-losophy.
4) I’ve already become bored with the subject of this comic, good thing its surreal!
And then teh clock stopped GREATLY at quarter teo nine. Also I have an extreme problem about the basis of the word “Coffin-held”. Is that a love mechanism or something?
Tune in next week for Burrito Squid Epiphanies, followed by Between the Stop Signs, We hope you’ll be there. And by We We mean the a Royal We.
Two drooling comics in a row!
Is the cloud-hair guy still called Lou? I think he was called Lou. I recognise the other guys, but not their names.
I spent ages trying to read the cover of the magazine being coffin-held, and then I looked up and saw that he said it. Unless he was lying about the title.
I want a royal “Us”
Anniversary of a Something
Glad to see someone else is with me about those consarned homeowner’s associations.
more like HOMO-ner associations, amirite? They’re always nerring the same things as themselves.
I think that last panel can represent me in quite a few occasions:
1) Reading the latter half of a PKD book.
2) Thinking about reality and junk
3) Going through enough physical and mental pain so there’s an explosion of faux-losophy.
4) I’ve already become bored with the subject of this comic, good thing its surreal!
And then teh clock stopped GREATLY at quarter teo nine. Also I have an extreme problem about the basis of the word “Coffin-held”. Is that a love mechanism or something?
KCC: Is that on PBS?
Panda: If you check again, I think you’ll see
The drooling comics number 3.
Also, the cloud guy is Marvin. Lou is the glasses guy, and the mustache guy is Haywood.
Cold: I belong to a heteroner association, but I gotta say, the transners have the wildest bar scene.
Fenner: I wish I could distinguish between reality and junk.