Suggested bloody pairing: Sangria.
Due to yet another night without sleep (I need to apply for disability at this point), Monday’s comic is delayed. Take my apologies; I have, like, four scripts that are just dying to meet you in ink form right now.
(to the tune of Should I Stay or Should I Go)
you gotta tell me, whole-grain snack/
am I paul or am I pat?
You’re killing me here. How have you kept the quality this up for this long? I’m showing this one to people. I don’t do that a lot, but it’s goin’ there.
Man it’s funny, corn never did try to use that ‘whole grain’ marketing stuff did they. It is still technically true!
if your memoirs aren’t titled “Think it’ll Snow Yesterday?” I’m going to throw guacamole at an ostrich.
Ahno: Damn, you made me like my (solely due to overexposure) least favorite Clash song a lot more. (I also like Combat Rock, but I’m not trying to be a Clash iconoclast.)
Cold: I would argue with you about my continued quality, but I actually really like this one, so I accept the flattery. Funny enough, though, “Think it’ll snow yesterday?” was a throwaway I used because I had to save space.
Guacamole is healthy for humans and probably for ostriches, so throw as you wish.
“Think it’ll snow yesterday” vaguely reminds me of the paradoxical sentence “It is raining today and I do not believe it is raining today.”
Man, I JUST fixed my comment to say “rain” instead of “snow.”
But now I get to read about Moore’s paradox, so thanks!
Edit: I did things wrong.
But it was snow in the comic, or was that an earlier thing you’re referring to.
Don’t get wise with me, I’ve played rainy snowy before.
Look, it’s the holidays; we’ve all had a bit to drink.
(If I still worked as a copy editor I’d basically have to kill myself now.)