Interested in an appetizer? Have a bloody Dre. It’s tequila, Clamato, hot sauce, horseradish, and celery salt.
Interested in an appetizer? Have a bloody Dre. It’s tequila, Clamato, hot sauce, horseradish, and celery salt.
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I like that there’s not even desks. This isn’t an empty classroom, it’s an empty ROOM. With a cracked window and a reference to a damn good episode of a damn good show on the chalkboard. And a rat. The rat is learnding. And now he’s off to find legumes of unusual size.
I meant that to be a tree outside, but I’ll concede that it’s not very clear.
I haven’t seen Duckman since it was airing, and the only joke I remember is when they posed as AAAAAAAAAAA-1 Plumbing to make sure they were first in the phone book. And then they had that on their van. Classic.
But I love a stealth dick joke, so there you have it.
Weeeee’re plumbers, we’re plumbers, we’re plumber-ummer-ummers. Thank you, that unlocked a mem’ry.