Interested in an appetizer? Try the kalamata and caper tapenade.
Given how off the schedule has been, you should expect a Halloween special in about three weeks.
Interested in an appetizer? Try the kalamata and caper tapenade.
Given how off the schedule has been, you should expect a Halloween special in about three weeks.
©2008-2025 Chris Combs Powered by WordPress with ComicPress
But, hear me out — stellar whimsy milk.
lunar sorrow sauce.
planetary sophistry gravy!
birds aren’t real, they’re just remotely-AI-controlled animatronics. I have a friend who can be having the absolute worst day, but when she sees a bird just being a bird, she will start laughing uncontrollably.
This comic is dangerously lucid in the most confusing way. Is this what being knurd feels like? Despite not knowing what they look like, the narrator here definitely goes onto the list of mountain time characters where I have a really clear mental opinion of how their voice would sound.
This isn’t going to be funny someday when it’s true. But for now, it’s extremely funny. Did you just conjugate ‘butt’? Beautiful.
planetarium: I don’t know how well sorrow sauce is gonna sell, but your other two will mint money.
My old lady is the same way when she sees a crab crabbing things up.
Whee: Is it Barry White? Because, to me, it’s basically Barry White.
Cold: I declined it. And don’t worry; birds care little for laws.
Good to see that we’re keeping a tight rein on the distinction between conjugation and declension around here; now let me ratchet down the tone of the conversation a few notches by noting the phallic appearance of that brain stem thingy in panel 4. I swear I don’t usually pick up on things like that, it’s just the subliminal messaging in that commercial that got to me…
imagining the “Ohhh yeah” is in awkward, humiliating imitation of Yello – Oh Yeah because they couldn’t afford the rights to it
Right, right, declension. Right now I’m declension these buttcheeks.
NAR: That just means your eyes are working, my friend.
Wibi: When of the worst jokes I’ve ever written involved Yello. More like “Oh NO,” am I right?
Cold: God damn it, you win this round.
I don’t know why, but I did this:
If you want the video file I can email a dropbox link later.
Good god, that’s amazing.
The overly long beach shot is a real chef’s kiss. Oh, and the little strings that accompany “Solar Pleasure Juice.”
Just lights-out stuff. A+
Oh, and the email is isto at mountain comics dot com.
That is brilliant, Xindaris :D
incredible .
He’s videoing what we’re all thinking!