Suggested wine pairing: pinot noir.



Last week I was at this rented event space for a work thing, and it had a big kitchen. There was a table that had all these empty Folgers cans on it, and at one point this old lady made a comment about how much crappy coffee there was. I explained that they were empty cans and made a little joke about how they were just decoys meant to attract better coffee. I’ll tell ya, the next time I need a loan, I’m hitting her up first, because she had no interest.

Fortunately, Mountain Time isn’t geared toward the geriatric demographic, so I knew my next episode would be about decoy coffee cans. Thing is, I’ve already used that idea.

It gets really hard not to repeat yourself when you’ve already done a thing 1000 times! Add to that the (surprisingly lengthy) time I spend trying to make my crummy drawing skills presentable, and you’ve got a really spicy batch of creator-burnout chili in your Crock-Pot.

So I’ve decided to give myself a break on coming up with new ideas and finally start finishing up some old ones. There’s a whole big story that was supposed to be where the 2016 Series ended up, but I never actually made time to take it all on in one go. Remember how Chimneyfoot has been stranded in his drinking field for a year and a half? The next two or three comics after that are done and ready to go, but I don’t want to put them out until they’re all lined up and ready. (Doing it on the fly is how the 2016 Series ended up such a mess.)

So yeah, all of that was to say: It might look like Mountain Time is on hiatus, but I’m actually working really hard!