Suggested wine pairing: pinot noir.
Site’s running slow. Apologies. Will address when after sleep is did finally.
Suggested wine pairing: pinot noir.
Site’s running slow. Apologies. Will address when after sleep is did finally.
©2008-2025 Chris Combs Powered by WordPress with ComicPress
FAROUCHE! (Yelling something that defines yourself?)
How insensitive.
Now to did sleep myself.
This comic is noteably good. Wstfgl.
When I first took the quiz several years ago, I went to Limbo, easily. Since then I’ve been steadily sinking lower and lower.
Today I got a 404. Not sure if that’s good or bad.
I’ve met girls like that.
but i’ve never met a sweaty bird. and I’ve never insulted some middle eastern douche either, but someday!
If your comic makes other people want to live it, is that exobiographical?
What is the name of Farouche-ing trapezoid and is it related to the speaking CHA?
Both of them seem to be recurring characters.
I found an easter egg! (Also, you don’t seem to exist)
Klear: Ooh — I bet if you discover a new layer of hell, you get to name one of the streets after yourself.
Cold: Which part do you want to live? Having a telepathic dog, or being a telepathic dog?
KWC & PandaGestile: Indeed, they are both recurring characters. The CHA’s name is Cha, and he’s one of the judges on Sanguinity. The hexagon is, uh, a hexagon.
Final frame did it for me. I enjoy breaking the format for a frame. well done.
Well if I had an awesome name like Sex Lewis, I mean.. who could refuse?
I’d write a book called Pornicles of Pornia.
Ed: Just for the sake of my future defense (in that I regard Mountain Time as being a constrained comic, and I’m pretty sure I die if I break that rule willy-nilly), the last panel doesn’t exactly break the format. The format is simply “a sheet of legal paper divided into 4 equal rows.” The last panel is totally non-hand-drawn, but it still fits the normal layout.
Cold: I kinda feel like the coolest part of being named Sex Lewis is when you don’t draw attention to it, you know?