Ok, so spell check and Wikipedia agree that “eggs benedict” should get initial caps, but then how do we know whether the writer is talking about breakfast food or breakfast-themed mobster Eggs Benedict?
Anyway, the Happening continues tomorrow, and you should totally follow Mountain Time on social media and tell your friends and, like, when you tip your barber a few bucks, you should totally write mountaincomics.com on one of those bucks so he’ll know that you’d like to share this webcomic with him. (Or her, of course. My barber is a her.)
The nostalgia! Tyr will be pleased! As am I! All the characters that I had near forgotten about are returning to my brain!
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Ohg jr zhfg! Orpnhfr V nz irel ng jevgvat sna-svpgvba! Rkpynzngvba!
Which I suppose means that the most common letter in english is R. The things I end up doing to understand Mountain Time (at least to a small level anyway). I personally feel the L part of that though. Shellac the bush.
Wow. I mean, I knew it was an easy code, but that was quick!
From that day forward Mountain Time because Is It Waffles, a strange blue-tinted comic that had to be decoded twice a week
When you put it like that, I want to do a whole spin-off.
I’m just going to straight away asume that the snow plough related reference was a direct reference to the cringing Soylent Green, which involves a scene that has a snow plough rioting machine that picks up rioters and dumps them into a box at the back of the vehicle quite amusingly. This eventually leads to a bad guy getting squashed underneath it. While it was quite a minor scene it was put all over the trailers and posters. In the stream of references the last panel shows a whole bunch of them (this happens to also be my favourite Mountain Time) including a worm that seems to be more at place in the dune filled lands of Dune by Frank Herbert (also the cover for that could plausibly be a cheesy book cover). Its face looks like it is either Asian of on drugs wich fuels my Dune theroy. Also the “1A17” at the end of the panel could be another crypted message. I heard a song about Scooby Snacks. 1+1+7=9 and minus 1 equals 8 (the last one comes from A being 1 in the A=1, B=2, C=3 code.) 8=H using my code and we have AH. Using your code to AH we have NU. Which sounds like the music genre Nu Metal, which is a disturbing mix between electronic and Heavy Metal, and the only metal object (visible at least) is a tap. I therefore diagnose you with a serious psychological issue with taps. And I end my comment with Ubik or more fittingly Hovx.