Roger Traipsed Through A Fog Of Self-Alienation
Today’s comic is also available in full color, if you like that kind of thing.
Today’s comic is also available in full color, if you like that kind of thing.
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These ghosts lived in the early twentieth century, so the pink one is a boy, and the blue one is a girl.
I notice the cube is performing “In The Key of Gin”, will this song be on that album?
fantastic. that song will be stuck in my head til the end of time or until i learn to methodically commit random acts of methodical randomness.
Offendi: If that’s the case, I suggest they be named Carwood and Hortense.
Lemoncurry?: Absolutely. Also, keep an eye out for “Dipsomanic Rubik’s Cube Sings the Blues.”
Cold: You and me both, man.
I’m glad Chimneyfoot found a friend. And what better friend for a Euclidean Pixie than a Rubik’s Cube.
Well, he was already friends with the hamster, but now he has a (very Euclidean) drinking buddy.