Level 4. 700 points. The only non-fruit prize food in the game. Thumpy Pretzel, ladies and gentlemen.
Updated Update:
Ok, so I’m taking the week off. See you Monday.
Level 4. 700 points. The only non-fruit prize food in the game. Thumpy Pretzel, ladies and gentlemen.
Ok, so I’m taking the week off. See you Monday.
©2008-2025 Chris Combs Powered by WordPress with ComicPress
Oh Thumpy Pretzel. I always liked you best… but stupid Blinky and Pinky wouldn’t let me near you. Those dudes were jerks.
I grew to hate clyde, myself.
In a particularly bad showing today, I was killed by everyone but Inky.
lol, oh Dave, you and your delicious mayhem
The final panel is how we will get our revenge on Mars.
Hmm… Mountain Time is missing for a week, and I appear to be the only person who cares. What a sad day this is.
I care also. I just forget to check websites for a few days.
Dear isto,
I will be embarking upon a vast journey, that is no longer than five weeks long. I will most likely not be able to view any webcomics while I am there, but I am looking forward to five weeks of mountain time upon my return.
Yr friend,
Not Ham
Aw shucks, guys.
Sorry for the void there, Albino; a friend of mine came to visit from out of town the past few days, so I’ve been playing host-of-the-city pretty much non-stop. I hope to have bonus episodes next week to compensate, but we’ll see — I’ve also got big special features to work on.
Excellent. My plan worked.
Hooray for Thumpy Pretzel! How many times did you fall asleep after some beers, playstation and real non-thumpy sourdough pretzels?
What if the Thumpy Pretzel signed the snake?
Weird to think that the Thumpy Pretzel from Ms. Pac-Man was instrumental in averting the apocalypse.
Weirder that Dave didn’t just make the legs himself, come to think of it.