You can now be a fan of Mountain Time on Facebook, if you do that kind of thing. There are pictures.
You can now be a fan of Mountain Time on Facebook, if you do that kind of thing. There are pictures.
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Silly onion. We give ourselves titles to make us feel like we actually accomplish something in our pitifull lives… *sniff* … I wish I was a plant… *sobs in a corner*
The onion looks like a teardrop.
HHP: Yeah, onions are kind of spoiled when it comes to life purpose.
Marty: Teardrops don’t have limbs!
the FBI agent’s fly is down
I’m swimming upstream in this stream of conciousness.
Uh, I have to disagree. I have seen water drops with limbs.. in bootleg costume stores online..
Dav: You must have a very high-resolution monitor.
ColdFusion: I checked it out and I stand corrected!
Ah, balloon animal air…like steak for oxygenarians, I assume.
My good golly gosh! Facebook has Mountain Time! Guess it’s getting pretty popular, huh?
I invented a planet where all the animals are plants and all the plants are animals. Apart from alternation of generations and a lack of any sort of humanity it’s much like this one.