It’s Shampoo Week here at Mountain Time! That’s right — each comic this week will touch on everybody’s favorite socially acceptable thing to rub on your scalp!
It’s Shampoo Week here at Mountain Time! That’s right — each comic this week will touch on everybody’s favorite socially acceptable thing to rub on your scalp!
©2008-2025 Chris Combs Powered by WordPress with ComicPress
Shampoo week! Huzzah! I was about to suggest stringing together some used shampoo bottles as decoration, when I realised… I don’t want to hang a bunch of carcasses up in my bathroom..that’s kind of vile.
I think that would be a perfectly suitable celebration of Shampoo Week! Like Halloween, Shampoo Week is an October holiday that can get a little macabre.
Do adults hand out mini shampoo samplers?
I think I’m in love with you, Isto, because this is probably the best idea for anything ever.
Joe: Seems like an appropriate thing to do.
Hamster: I like to think I’m likable.
I <3 shampoo week. It is my new favorite week. My old favorite week was soap week, but I have seen the error of my ways.
I think my soul needs some shampoo. Its fur is very dirty after digging around in the riverbed and searching for fish in the stream, without any suspenders.
Did I mention my soul was cursed very strangely by Razzadoon last week?