My current pants enjoyment level is: high. You?
Thursday’s comic is going to show up a little late because I spent a lot of time working on you-know-what.
My current pants enjoyment level is: high. You?
Thursday’s comic is going to show up a little late because I spent a lot of time working on you-know-what.
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Discussing my level of pants enjoyment always makes me crave pie.
I’d say my current level of pants enjoyment is somewhere between moderate and carved extra head into jack-o’-lantern. Of course, that’s just me.
Man, I am rocking these pants. It’s almost illegal.
Non-existant. All I’m saying.
Pants level is zero, where it belongs :D
My level of pants enjoyment is 13.
Does Dave’s extra head cause the blissful lady to float away or does he merely seize upon a strange circumstance to discern what may or may not frighten her?
Good to see that at least some of my audience is pantsless. That puts me at ease.
Ixcaliber: I assume that the floating lady’s floatiness is Dave’s doing.
It varies for me, usually somewhere between Culotte and Jodhpur, occasionally dipping toward a third funny name for legwear, other times rising all the way to Midway Briefs. As a matter of fact, my Underpants Enjoyment Level is at an all time high. I don’t know if you have a questionnaire for that.
For full length garments, though, I certainly know what my ideal level would be.
My pants enjoyment level is somewhere between speedboat and Godzilla. Definitely higher than cheese.